Creating New Contracts

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Welcome beautiful soulšŸ¤

I believe you are here, reading this now because you are ready

To step into and embody your gifts, your truest Soul expression.

You know that this lifetime you came to make a difference, and have a positive impact.

And yet, there has been something holding you back.

This series is designed to erase any contracts and karma from this life or past that are keeping you small, stuck, or dimkng your power and light.

Together we will journey into the "beyond" where we will transcend all karmic bonds, and rewrite your new contracts.
Rooted in love.
Rooted in trust.
Rooted in sovereignty.
Rooted in God, Source, Universal Infinite love.



Itā€™s one of those things we all know exists.

We know if we do something good, it will come back to us.

And, we know if we do something bad, well, that energy is bound to make itā€™s way to us as well.


But, what about past livesā€¦? Can we really re-write karmic contracts and agreements from a previous life?



Iā€™ll be honest ā€“ this isnā€™t something Iā€™ve focused on with myself, or clients.


I think it can be easy to unnecessarily entangle with past lives, karmic debt, and soul contracts.


Until I was shown a new way.


A new way to not go into all the trauma and drama, and instead, openly and honestly witness our infinite Soul Self, and then, create a new contract.



If you are finding yourself stuck in any area of life, despite ā€œdoing the workā€, it may very well be a deeper contract confining and limiting you from moving forward.



My Guides and Higher Self lead me through this experience, re-writing contracts around health, wealth, relationships, purpose, unhealthy patterns, and more, and to say my life feels completely different, feels like an understatement.


I was shown a way to quickly, easily, and very beautifully, release & rewrite our contracts.



I believe everything in our current energetic time right now is supporting this, and if you are here, it is because your Soul is ready.

To fully step into all of who you are, without trepidation, hesitation, or fear.

To fully own all of who you are.


To be radiantly healthy.

To be abundantly wealthy.

To be deeply loved.

To live each day on purpose.


This is what you came here for.

And this is what I desire for you.

For us.


Letā€™s co-create a world in which we all are living our highest truth, expression and essence.



There are two ways you can do this program:

1.Ā Ā Ā Ā  A-la carte

Pick and choose which karmic contracts you believe you would benefit from

2.Ā Ā Ā Ā  Embrace the Entire Transformation

For those who are ready for a new paradigm of reality, and to re-write all 8 foundational contracts.




The 8 Contracts we will be covering:


1. Releasing & rewriting karma on Health & Wellbeing
2. Releasing & rewriting karma on love and relationships
3. Releasing & rewriting karma on suffering and enjoyment
4. Releasing & rewriting karma on sex, pleasure and intimacy
5. Releasing & rewriting karma on wealth, abundance and prosperity
6. Releasing & rewriting karma on codependency and sovereignty
7. Releasing & rewriting karma on addictions and mental suffering
8. Releasing & rewriting karma on the fulfillment of your Soul's purpose and mission


You may join for one, some, or, save some $ and embark on the entire transformation.


The dates for these live calls are as follows:


1. Releasing & rewriting karma on Health & Wellbeing 4/11 @2pm PST
2. Releasing & rewriting karma on love and relationships 4/24 @2pm PST3. Releasing & rewriting karma on suffering and enjoyment 5/8 @2pm PST
4. Releasing & rewriting karma on sex, pleasure and intimacy 5/22 @2pm PST
5. Releasing & rewriting karma on wealth, abundance and prosperity 6/6 @2pm PST
6. Releasing & rewriting karma on codependency and sovereignty 6/19 @2pm PST
7. Releasing & rewriting karma on addictions and mental suffering 7/3 @2pm PST
8. Releasing & rewriting karma on the fulfillment of your Soul's purpose and mission 7/17 @2pm PST


All sessions are recorded and will be sent out with 24 hours.


There will also be a private community for everyone so that you may share your experiences and wins alongside others on the journey.

This will be a safe space to receive additional support, ask any questions, and connect with like-minded souls.



The energetic exchange:

-Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  A-la-carte: $122

-Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Entire Transformation: $888



What you get:

-Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Live call(s) to release & re-write karmic and soul contracts

-Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Private community to receive support, ask questions and connect with other souls along your journey

-Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  A blueprint for your new alignment & orientation



This isnā€™t a course or program; this is an experience.

A recalibrating and aligning with your true self, your true essence, your true Source.


This is not for everyone.

Only for those who are ready to show up fully in the expression and experience they know and desire for themselves.


My intention is to align you with the inner peace, abundance, joy and freedom that you inherently are.


If you are ready to fully claim this, I welcome you ā¤ļø

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Creating New Contracts

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