Dissolving The Control
Dissolving The Control
A coming home to your inner freedom.
Seeking control take on many flavors…
- Perfectionism
- Intimacy
- Eating disorders/Disordered eating
- Trying to control others
- Trying to control life
But ultimately, a distrust in the Universe/Source.
It is THE control, because this is not truly your controlling…
You, in and of your very nature, are pure perfection of Source.
Trust in the Universe, in each step you take, in each breathe you make, is your inherent nature.
This event is designed to help you remember this.
To awaken, cultivate, and encode this into the fabric of your being.
To live a life seeking control externally, is only a reflection of an inner prison within.
But the best part?
You hold the keys.
You hold the keys to unlocking inner peace
Inner wisdom
Inner trust
Inner freedom
Inner love
And a dance alongside the Universe where you are trusting every step you take, knowing, you are now living in alignment with your higher self and Source.
This is not a “class”
This is not a meditation
This is an experience.
A remembering.
And I am simply here to remind you of this truth.
Upon purchase you will be granted access to the class + downloadable meditation.
This is your remembering of inner freedom.
A remembering of your inner freedom